How much do you know about traveling with your cat? Cats can be sensitive to the environment and to their owners’ emotions. To ease your cat’s travelling journey, here is some good advice for you and your pet.
Before Your Move
Let your cat get used to the crate it will be traveling in. You can do so by putting some snacks in the crate with a comfortable bed and leaving it open. Your cat will explore it and make it its home in no time.
Cats can be especially sensitive when their regular routine is disrupted and instinct often tells them to find a new home. To avoid losing your pet before moving, keep your cat indoors. Keep in mind that when movers are pacing back and forth in your home, doors are often left open.

During the Trip
When it’s time for your cat to be pickup, stay strong! Being upbeat and confident prevents emotional distress in your cat.
Given all the changes, pick-up day might also push your cat to escape. You need to confine it in a small room to prevent escape.
Avoid feeding your cat 4 to 6 hours prior to the pick-up. If you prepare two portions in separate plastic bags, Globy will attach them outside the crate during pick-up time. The food will be handy in the event of delays.
The last meal should be 6 hours before the flight. If you are departing on a morning flight, the last meal should be dinner the evening before. As long as there is water for the journey, it will be just fine.
Get the Right Crate
Our travel crate come with a water bottle. Try training your pet to drink water out of the water bottle if it is a long journey. If your cat has problem detecting water from the bottle, try to rub some tasty sauce or milk on top of it.

Make sure your cat goes to the toilet prior to going inside the travel crate. If your cat has access to a clean litter box upon arrival, it will make it even more at ease.
Ideally, use a skymat for your cat to allow it to travel comfortably. Skymat are made of stay-dry fleece which absorbs liters, liquids and odor. They help to provide a comfortable place during travel. We sell skymats as well. Just ask if you require one.
Upon Arrival
Upon arrival, avoid opening the cat’s crate until you are home. Cats can be disoriented due to lengthy travel, and they may try to escape.
Once your cat is home, offer them some drinking water and light meal. Some cats may not have appetite for a few days. Don’t worry and give them some time to adjust.
No tranquilizers or sedatives should be given to your cat unless specifically prescribed by your vet. As an alternative, there are natural calming remedies available. Consult your vet to make a wise decision.